NDBA Foundation

Photo Credit: Wayne Muth

The Foundation

The NDBA Bowhunters Foundation, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes. More specifically, the purpose of the organization is to provide funding for activities which advance the sport of archery, promote the cause of education, encourage community betterment, and assist people to learn more about Archery and Bowhunting in North Dakota.

NDBA Foundation Bylaws (PDF, 150.2 KB)
NDBA Foundation Grant Form (PDF, 148.8 KB)

Why Give to the Foundation?
  • To preserve, promote, and protect the archery and bowhunting heritage in North Dakota
  • To promote youth archery and bowhunting activities like the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP)
  • To support bowhunter education
  • Conservation and habitat
  • To advance and support local archery organizations and facilities for all of North Dakota
How Can I Give to the Foundation?
  • Make a gift of cash
  • Memorial gifts
  • Designate the Foundation as a full or partial beneficiary on an IRA, life insurance, or annuity
  • Donate goods, real estate, or other investment assets
  • Remember the Foundation in your will
  • Make a donation online

If you prefer to mail your donation, download our donation form, print it out, fill it in, then mail it to:

PO Box 374
Bismarck, ND 58502

Note: For more complex options such as living trusts, will modifications, or other options, please contact a Foundation board member.