NDBA offers many activities for youth, including youth shooting events, tournaments, and grants to NASP, 4-H, and other events. If you have any youth events to post please contact us with the information.
How may I become eligible for the NDBA Scholarship?
How many scholarships will be given each year and the dollar amount?
Will the scholarship be given to the person finishing high school or semester with the best grade average?
How may I apply for the NDBA Scholarship?
All applications must be postmarked by February 15th to be considered for the fall semester of the same year.
If I am selected to receive the NDBA Scholarship when and how will I receive it?
National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is a two-week physical education program designed to teach the fundamentals of archery in grades 4–12. Archery is a completely safe activity where girls, boys, athletes, and non-athletes all compete on a level playing field. The program can be taught indoors or outdoors, and it can be translated into compelling subject matter for math, science, and history teachers. Many schools have also started after-school and summer programs and formed teams which compete in local, state, and national tournaments. In just a few short years, NASP has spread throughout the country into 47 states, and schools involved in the program have documented an increase in attendance, heightened self-esteem, and improved academic performance when the program is offered.
The cost of the start-up kit is approximately $3,000 and includes 12 compound bows, arrows, targets, safety net, arrow holders, bow holders, and personal safety equipment. The bows were designed by a leading archery manufacturer specifically for this program to be used by students of all sizes with no adjustments.
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department supports this program, and it offers grants to get your school started. Additional financial assistance may be available through local wildlife organizations or national conservation organizations.
The North Dakota Game and Fish Department continues to offer grants to schools interested in participating in NASP.
For more information on the program or for additional fund raising options, contact Jeff Long, state NASP coordinator at (701) 328-6322.
The NDBA is very excited about the future of archery in North Dakota! All of this new excitement is due to the success of the ND - National Archery in the Schools Program.
The NDBA would like to offer a 1 year free membership to all of the instructors and students who are participating in the NASP. You will receive your NDBA membership card, a NDBA deca,l and an email verison of the NDBA publication, the “Archers Voice”.